Marking Options
Auto Update Marker
AccuMark can automatically update a marker if the piece geometry was modified and the piece data saved. The software simply compares the last modified date of the pieces with the last modified date of the marker. If the last modified date of the piece is later than the last modified date of the marker, the basic piece geometry in the marker can be updated. This edit would be a change that resides on the piece such as a notch or line change. The updates are applied when a marker is opened in marker making, accessed during cut generation or plotted.
NOTE: This update does not re process the marker order, so only changes to the piece geometry that are stored within the piece data are applied. Dynamic changes that are applied by Marker Order process are not performed. To update a marker with dynamics applied during Order Processing, use Regenerate Marker. Only Regenerate Marker applies the modifications that are performed during Order Process such as Alterations, Size Code, Laylimits, Block Buffering, etc. Auto Update does not process these dynamics, it only compares piece date to original marker date, and changes are only those that are found within the basic geometric piece data.
- If the option is set to Yes, the marker is automatically updated when opened. A message Regenerating Marker is displayed.
- If the option is set to No, the existing version of the marker is opened.
- If the option is set to Prompt, the system prompts to overwrite the marker and use the updated piece data.
The updated marker is created using Copy Marker. If a change is made to a piece, such as adding an internal notch, all pieces will place successfully. If changes are made to the piece perimeter, piece may not place when the marker is updated. In addition, if dynamic changes were made in the original marker, the updated marker will not include those changes. If pieces were added or removed from a model after the original marker was created, this will also affect the results. Auto Update does not re process the Order.
Disable Marking Overrides
Selecting this checkbox will turn off the ability to perform overrides within the marker marking application.
Maximize Yield
We recommend that before using this option in full production; test your own data, particularly small pieces, to determine if this setting produces the results you require in your environment.
Maximize Yield works well in an environment with modest tolerances. Companies with tighter tolerances should choose not to use this feature. For example, if a marker contains one 100X100 piece, with Maximize Yield "On" the marker length is 99.97, the piece length and width has been slightly decreased.