Click the Downloads tab to view your assigned software.
All licensed products available to the user are listed. Choose a software product and select an available version from its drop-down.
To download other versions of the software, press the Show other versions and languages for all products or select Show other versions and languages below the product.
Note: Some product versions might be unavailable for download if your service contract has expired.
Press Download to begin the process. Depending on your computer setup, you may need to specify a location for the installation file.
After the software download is complete, right-click and select Run as Administrator.
Note: You may need to contact your companies IT department if you do not have permission to install software on your computer.
Follow the steps to install AccuMark and any necessary components.
If you receive a blue screen warning with the following statement, “Windows protected your PC,” click More Info and then Run Anyway.
You may also receive messages throughout the process asking if you want to allow the program to make changes to your computer. Click YES.
Once installed, double-click the desired software: AccuMark Explorer, Pattern Design, or Easy Marking. A new selection window appears with several login options.
- Click the Log in with your email option.
- Note: With the new Gerber User Licensing option, dongles/USB keys are no longer needed since your email address and password grant you access to using the software.
Log in to the software with the email address and password you used to register. Then press Login.
- The next step might take a minute to process as we authenticate your account & license to use the software.
Once completed, the application will automatically open for you to start using.
Additional license details are available through the license profile, such as your Email, Product License, and Expiration. Click your NAME within the upper right-hand corner to view further details.
A pop-up window opens and contains the Product Name and the License Expiration date.
![Description: Graphical user interface, application
Description automatically generated](../Resources/Images/Gerber User Licensing Manual V2.0/2.2/Software Login_419x298.png)
![Description: Graphical user interface, application
Description automatically generated](../Resources/Images/Gerber User Licensing Manual V2.0/Registration Software Setup_8_629x302.png)