Fabric Images and the Images Menu
Images play an important role in developing a realistic 3D garment rendering. In order to view images in Pattern Design, it is necessary to open a model with defined fabric types and 3D garment information. Within Pattern Design, those fabric images can be edited, or new images can be added to include trim and stitch details.
Related Topics: Fabric Table
Adding and Editing Images
Functionality has been added to Pattern Design to support raster images or PDF images within pieces. There are several types of images that can be applied to pieces including fabric, trim, and edge finishes. Below are definitions for these image types along with other image terminology.
Fabric is used to add a texture fill to a piece. The selected image will be repeated within the piece boundaries. It is important to have a defined repeat for the image prior to applying in Pattern Design.
Repeat refers to the distance between one image or pattern and its repeated image or pattern.
Trim is used to add an image to a piece such as a button, logo, or applique. The trim image is saved within the image library, and a fabric type from the Model Editor is not required to add a trim image.
Transparency refers to the creation of invisible background so that only the desired image displays. Image file formats that support transparency in PDS include .png files.
Edge Finish is used to add an image such a single needle stitch or binding to a perimeter edge of a piece. The selected image will be repeated as needed along the length of the selected perimeter line(s). The edge finish image is saved within the image library and a fabric type from the Model Editor is not required to add an edge finish image.
Raster Image is a type of digital image composed of individual pixels of various colors which AccuMark supports to place within pieces and markers. Common extensions include .png, .jpg, .tif, and .bmp.
Vector Image is comprised of paths which are defined by a start and end point along with other points curves and angles along the way. AccuMark pieces are created in vector format.
The following commands will assist in preparing the visual component of 3D rendering for fabric, trim, and seam finishes.
The Place Image function is used to add fabric textures (fills), trim images such as buttons or logos, or seam finish images to perimeter lines. Various file formats are supported including .png, .jpg, .tif, and .bmp.
To Place an Image:
From the Images tab, select Place in the Create panel.
Select from the following User Input options:
Fabric – select to place a texture/fill within the piece boundary. A model must be opened in order to apply fabric, and a fabric type within the model must be defined.
Trim – select to place an individual image on a piece such as a button or logo.
Label – select to add piece information on a piece as a label image.
Edge Finish – select to place a trim or stitch image along a piece perimeter line.
Depending on what was chosen in the User Input options, the selection changes:
If Fabric was chosen, select the piece to apply the image. The fabric image will be applied to every piece in that model with the same defined fabric name.
If Trim was chosen, select the location on the piece to apply the individual image. The location can be selected in Cursor of Value mode.
If Label was chosen, selection the location on the piece, enter the size, type, and piece information on the label.
If Edge Finish was chosen, select the perimeter line(s) to apply the image.
The Image Property dialog box appears. Select the location where the image file is stored and then select the image file.
The Image Properties dialog opens. Here various properties can be specified including the image height, width, thickness, DPI (dots per inch or resolution), and Symmetry and Rotation settings. Symmetry is only used with Trim not Fabric. The height, width and DPI are read from the image file. Height and width units are shown in current notation system.
When finished, select OK.
Copy trim is used to copy an existing trim image to another location on the 3D simulation. It does not copy any of the existing trim image properties’ or z-order only copies the actual image. This function is active in the 3D window.
To copy a trim image on a 3D simulation:
1. Select the Copy Image function. The system prompts, “Select a Trim Image to Copy.”
2. Use the mouse cursor and select the trim image in the 3D window to copy.
3. Next the system prompts, “Select the location of the copied Trim image.” Use the left mouse button to select a location on the 3D simulation to place the trim image.
4. The copied trim image is updated on both the 3D simulation and the pattern in the 3D workspace.
5. Navigate to Edit Properties, to define any new or different properties to this trim image, especially if it is on a mirror or flip piece.
The Edit Image Properties dialog displays the same dialog box displayed in the Create Image function. After the various properties are edited and OK is selected, the pieces in the work area are updated with the new values.
To Edit Image Properties:
From the Images tab, select Properties in the Edit panel.
Select from the following User Input options:
Fabric/Trim/Label – select to edit a texture/fill within the piece boundary, individual image on a piece such as a button or logo, or individual label information on a piece.
Edge – select to edit a trim or stitch image along a piece perimeter line.
Depending on what was chosen in the User Input options, the selection changes:
If Fabric/Trim/Label was chosen, select the piece fabric, individual trim, or individual label to edit.
If Edge was chosen, select the perimeter line(s) to edit the image.
The Fabric/Trim/Label/Edge Image Properties dialog opens. Here various properties can be specified including the image height, width, thickness, DPI (dots per inch or resolution), and Symmetry and Rotation settings. The height, width and DPI are read from the image file. Height and width units are shown in current notation system.
When editing a trim image there are three additional options available. Select as needed.
Mirror Image – when selected, the image will be displayed on both sides of a mirrored piece.
Left/Right Flip – when selected, the image will be displayed on the left and right side of a flipped piece. The flip is defined within the Model Editor.
Scale Trim Image – when selected, the image will proportionally scale on a graded piece. This scale will be viewable only within Easy Marking.
When finished, select OK.
Replace Image
in the Edit tab Replace Image is used to process multiple image substitutions within one model. Replace Image allows the user to identify specific trim images on a piece and swap the placement within a marker for another image. The location, grade, and scale are maintained for each replaced image. One example is team sports, where the fabric and majority of trim images are consistent but the player name needs to be assigned for each team member. With Replace Image one model can be developed and maintained while the function creates a XML file with the substitution name and sizes that can be utilized in Easy Order. Coupled with Batch processing that now also support print file generation, the production process can be quickly automated!
Before using Replace Images ensure the following:
Default trim image is placed, graded, and scaled as needed
Substitution image files will fit in the same relative area of the placed default trim image
Since the XML output file is used within Easy Order, the user will need to know the size for each bundle substitution requested
Once the prerequisites have been identified and completed, the next step is to open Pattern Design and begin the image replacement XML file.
1. From the Image tab, select Replace Image in the edit panel.
2. The Image Replacement Editor will be launched. Complete the following fields:
Modification Name – enter unique name for the bundle
Order Size – select the desired size for the bundle
Piece Name – reference the piece name where the image will be replaced. It is possible to select multiple pieces for image replacement. This can be accomplished by adding multiple entries under the same Modification Name.
Image Line Number – Select the line number associated with the image to be replaced. If multiple images are to be replaced within a piece, add each replacement under the same Modification Name.
Replacement Image Path – use Select File to enter the new image name.
Clear Input Data – use this option to clear a selected row.
Clear Output Data – use this option to remove all entries in the Image Replacement Editor.
Preview – use to validate image placement, grade and scale. Once selected, the new image will be displayed on the piece in the work area. Select Stop Preview to return to the original trim image.
Add Data – once the information has been complete for one image bundle replacement, select Add Data to populate the table.
Cancel – closes the Image Replacement Editor form without saving.
3. Continue this process until all desired entries have been completed. The form contains sticky fields to quickly enter new information.
Note that if multiple images need to be replaced within the same bundle the modification name must be the same.
4. Once all bundles for marking have been identified, select Save Data. The user is able to define the path to store the Image Replacement XML file that will be used in Easy Order.
5. With the XML file saved, it is now possible to create an order with the image replacements. Open Easy Order and reference the model used in the previous steps.
6. Ensure the Advanced Layout option is the selected and go to Step 2A. Select the Replace Image XML stored in the previous steps. Then select Step 2 and notice the Modification Names will be listed under Image column with a default quantity of 1. If additional bundles need to be ordered, make any adjustments to the quantities.
Complete the remaining order information and process the order. Batch Processing can also be used to automate the production process including generating print files!
Note: Functions within Easy Marking such as Add New Size, Add Piece, and Add Bundle are not currently supported with Image Replacement. Also only Easy Order supports Batch Image .xml files.
Use to remove textures/fills or images from pieces. The fabric will be removed from all of the pieces with the same Fabric Type as defined in the Model Editor. Trim and Edge Finishes are removed independently.
To Delete an Image:
From the Imagestab, select Delete from the Modify panel.
Select from the following User Input options:
Fabric/Trim – deletes fabric fill or trim image
Edge – removes edge finish. Select perimeter line to delete.
Depending on what was chosen in the User Input options, the selection changes:
If Fabric/Trim was selected, select the fabric or trim image(s) to delete. Use the Ctrl key to select multiple images.
If Edge was selected, select the perimeter line(s) where the edge finish is located to delete. Use the Ctrl key to select multiple images.
Use to reposition fabric textures/fills or trim images within a piece. Moving fabric textures/fills is helpful to control the position of a print within a piece. Moving trim images is helpful to position buttons, embroidery, or logos at a specific location.
To Move an Image:
From the Imagestab, select Move in the Modifypanel.
Select the fabric or trim image(s) to move. Use the Ctrl key to select multiple images.
Place the selected image in a new location by cursor or value mode:
Cursor Mode – left click on the location to place the point.
Value Mode – click both buttons and release. Enter a distance in the X or Y fields.
Use to orient fabric textures/fills or trim images within a piece. Rotating fabric textures/fills is helpful to create bias or cross grain visual effect.
To Rotate an Image:
From the Imagestab, select Rotate in the Modifypanel.
Select the fabric or trim image(s) to rotate. Use the Ctrl key to select multiple images.
Place the selected image in a new orientation by cursor or value mode:
Cursor Mode – left click on the location to place the point.
Value Mode – click both buttons and release. Enter a distance in the X or Y fields.
Resize Image is used to Resize Trim images on a 3D simulation and allow it to save back to the 2D pattern.
To Resize trim images on a 3D simulation:
1. Select the Resize Image function. The system prompts “Select a new size for the trim image.”
2. Move the cursor over the 3D simulation and the various trim images highlight. When the desired image is highlighted click the left mouse button to continue. The image is attached to the cursor.
3. Move the cursor to resize the image to the desired size and left click. The image size is updated on both the 3D simulation and the pattern in the 3D workspace
Note: if the trim image is graded, be sure to double check the grading under the ScaleFunction in 2D to ensure the grading of the new resized image is correct for all sizes.
Image scale allows user definable values to set the scale value for each size independently.
Note the maximum scale that can be applied to a trim image is 500% and the minimum scale value that can be applied is 10%.
To scale a trim image:
1. From the Imagestab, select Scale from the Gradepanel.
2. Select the image to scale.
3. The following buttons and fields in the Scale Image form can be used to make changes to the scale values:
∙ Type – defines the type of scale to apply to image. Types include Scale which is user defined, Proportional which is automatically calculated based on the grade applied to the piece, and None which removes all scale values. Use the drop down to select the scale type for each size graded size.
∙ Show – displays the scale values applied to image. By default all sizes are checked and will display, deselect to show only specific scaled sizes.
∙ Clear H – select to remove the values in the Height column.
∙ Clear W – select to remove the values in the Width column.
∙ Update – use with Scale type only to copy values in a column. In order to autofill, the field beneath the entered value must be blank.
∙ Scale All – selects all scale type to scale.
∙ Proportional All – selects all scale type to proportional.
∙ Remove All – selects all scale type to none.
∙ OK – accepts values and closes the Scale Image form.
∙ Cancel – closes the Scale Image form without changing the grading.
Colorways in AccuMark allow for a range of combinations of colors in which a style or model is available. In the past, multiple models had to be created in order to accommodate this request. Now one model can store all the various combinations available for production. Colorway functionality supports all image types including fabrics, trims, and edge finishes.
The digital assets must first be created in a graphic program and then stored in the AccuMark Image Library. At that point, new colorways can be created and images added to create the unique color combinations. All the same AccuMark digital print properties apply, meaning the color fidelity is maintained and passed to the final print file.
Creating Colorways
It is recommended to place all images as in previous versions to generate the Default Colorway. This would include all image placements for Fabric, Trim, Edge Finishes, and Labels. It is also helpful to grade and scale the images as needed prior to creating additional colorways. The placement, grade, and scale are copied as new colorways are created, eliminating the need for duplicate entry.
When creating colorways, it is important to note that AccuMark allows for complete customization. This means some images can remain constant throughout the colorway variations if needed. For example, a company logo could retain the same color, placement, grade/scale for all options. While other images can change color, change size, or even be deleted within a given colorway option.
When creating a new colorway there are 2 approaches:
Use an existing or default colorway and edit images to update
Start with empty colorway and place new images
Depending on the editing that is required, select the option that will generate the faster results. Note that the Image Reference Line for all image types is available for reference placement if needed. In order to add a new Fabric image to the colorway, the user must select Edit Image Properties to update the display. All the remaining image types can be placed on the new colorway as needed.
To Create a New Colorway:
Place/Grade/Scale all the images for the default colorway.
From the Image tab, select Create New Colorway in the Colorway panel.
The Create Colorway dialog will display. Choose the source for the new colorway and enter a name.
Select OK.
Use Place Image to add new trims and edge finishes if needed, or use Edit Image Properties to change the current image.
It is also possible to Add New Images to the Image Library when editing a colorway.
Visual Sample Colorway Workflow
Place/grade/scale images on default colorway
Create New Colorway, select Source and Name
Edit Image Properties to bring in new images or Place Images to add new
Continue Editing and Placing until all the desired updates are applied
Viewing Colorways
The active colorway display can be changed at any time in the 2D or 3D work area by selecting the colorway name from the Active dropdown list within the Colorway panel of the Image tab. Once the name is changed, the display will automatically update in the Pattern Design work area to show the selected grouping of images.
The colorway must be active in order to edit, modify, or delete.
Deleting Colorways
If a colorway is no longer needed within a model, it is possible to delete the colorway. This function is also supported with Undo in Pattern Design in the event a Colorway is deleted on accident.
To Delete a Colorway:
1. Ensure the desired colorway is set to Active in the Colorway panel of the Image tab.
2. Select Delete Colorway. The colorway will automatically be deleted.
Modifying Colorways
It is possible to modify any given image within the active colorway. If the selected image is available in all or multiple colorways, the user needs to identify if the modification should apply to only the active colorway or all colorways.
An option has been added within Rotate Image and Delete Image labeled All Colorways.
When selected, the modification will apply to that image in all colorways.
When deselected, the modification will only apply to the image in the active colorway.
Image Panel
A tool called the Image Panel is available to help manage all the images within the colorways.
To Open the Image Panel:
Go to the Image Tab, select Image Panel.
The Image Panel will open and remain open in the work area until closed.
Use the arrows next to each piece to show or hide the available images.
Why use the Image Panel?
Automatically updates to show images displayed in work area
Double click on any image type to directly open/review/edit the image properties
Similar layout to graphic programs for an improved user experience with image placement in Pattern Design
Delete Images directly from the Image Panel
It is color coded to visually distinguish image types:
Orange = Piece Name
Blue = Label
Turquoise = Trim
Green = Edge Finish
There are 2 tabs to show image types. Since Fabric images are grouped by multiple pieces and defined in the model editor. There is a separate tab to show the available fabric images for the model. All the remaining image types (Trims, Edge Finishes, and Labels) can be unique per piece and are available to view and edit from the Images tab.
Label Updated for Colorways
For identification within the marker, it is critical that the label also contain the colorway name. Once the colorways are created, the label can be added or edited to display this information. As the colorway information is stored within the model, it is necessary only to select the Colorway option. As active display changes, the label will update to display the correct colorway name.
To Add the Colorway Name to a Piece Label:
Select either Place Image to create a new label or Edit Image Properties to update an existing label.
Place a check by the option Colorway. It is possible to have the Colorway Name display as a separate line of text by deselecting the options Make Piece Size and Colorway One Line.
Creating New Folders in the Image Library
Once the Image Library is configured, there are no folders created by default. The user can categorize and create folders and subfolders as needed to organize all the images utilized in AccuMark. Examples of folder organization could be by product line, season, or color stories.
To Create a Folder within the Image Library:
1. Open AccuMark Explorer and locate the Image Library.
2. Right mouse button (RMB) on the Image Library and select New Image Library Folder. 3. Enter a name for the folder. The folder name can be up to 20 characters and follows the same naming conventions as AccuMark storage areas.
It is possible to create subfolders to further organize images. To create the subfolder, right click on the desired parent folder and select New Image Library Folder. Subfolders deeper than 10 levels are not allowed.
Referenced vs Embedded Images
Prior to AccuMark Feb 2020, all placed images became embedded within the piece and model data upon saving. This included all fabric, trim, and edge finish images used with digital prints and 3D models and often resulted in large file sizes. In order to better support multiple images and colorways, all placed images moving forward will be stored as a reference within the piece and model file. This means that the placed image file is maintained within the AccuMark Image Library and linked to the assigned piece or model, but the images are NOT stored locally within the file.
There are multiple advantages with this new referenced format including:
• Smaller file size
• Easily update image changes
• All required files can be maintained directly in AccuMark
When working with images in AccuMark 13.0, there are 2 workflows to consider and understand.
New Image Placement-new placed image files in version 13.0 will automatically be referenced to the selected image stored within the AccuMark Image Library.
Working with Upgraded Image Piece and Model Files-images will remain embedded in all the piece and model data upon upgrading to version 13.0
Migrate Images
For users upgrading to AccuMark Feb 2020 (V13.0), it will be necessary to migrate all the previously embedded images to the AccuMark image library. In the migration process, the image remains on the piece but the path moves from locally embedded to referenced path in the image library.
When images are migrated, they will all initially be placed in the same folder. Users can then move and reorganize the images into different folders if needed. This is typically a one-time setup after upgrading.
There are 2 paths to migrate from:
• Models/Pieces (utilized mainly with digital prints/image placements)
• Fabric Tables (utilized mainly with 3D files)
To Migrate Images From Models/Pieces:
1. Create or select the folder in the image library to place the migrated images.
2. Right click (RMB) on the selected folder and choose Migrate Images > From models/Pieces.
3. A Browse for Storage Area dialog will display allowing storage areas to be selected. The user can select the local, network, or SQL database to migrate all the images at once or select individual storage areas.
a. To select individual storage areas, expand the drive and use the Ctrl key to select the desired storage areas.
b. Use Clear to remove current selection if needed.
c. Once all the storage areas are chosen, select OK to migrate
Once completed, a summary will appear with the results of the migration. The images will appear in the folder and are ready to use.
To Migrate Images From Fabric Tables:
1. Create or select the folder in the image library to place the migrated images.
2. Right click (RMB) on the selected folder and choose Migrate Images > From Fabric Table.
3. An Open dialog will display allowing fabric tables to be selected. The default path for AccuMark default fabric tables is C:\ProgramData\Gerber Technology\Silhouette 2000\Fabrics. However the fabric tables can be stored in any location
a. To select fabric tables left click to select. Use the Ctrl or Shift key to select the desired fabric tables.
b. Once all the fabric tables are chosen, select Open to Migrate.
4. Once completed, a summary will appear with the results of the migration. The images will appear in the folder and are ready to use.
The same embedded image may be used in multiple models. If this is the case, it is not necessary to create multiple copies of the same image. As the migration processes, a dialog will appear when duplicate images are identified.
Choose from the following options:
• Yes – Adds numeric suffix to image to keep separate copies.
• Yes to All – Adds numeric suffix to all the duplicate images found during migration. This is typically not recommended.
• No – only migrates 1 image for the found duplication.
• No to All – only migrates single images when a duplication is found for all during the migration.
• Cancel – cancels the image migration.
Identifying Referenced vs Embedded Images
There are visual cues throughout AccuMark to help identify how an image is stored within the system. Within AccuMark Explorer, fabric images can be identified within the model editor.
To Identify the state of a Fabric Image:
1. Locate and select the desired model in AccuMark Explorer.
2. Right Mouse Button (RMB) on the model and select Open With/ Model Editor.
3. In the Fabric section, located in the upper right corner of the model editor, the image name will display in red if the fabric image remains embedded.
Adding Images to the Image Library
Images can be added at any point for use within AccuMark. There are 2 methods to add image files to the AccuMark Image Library.
• Lookup
• Drag and Drop
To Add an Image using the Lookup Method:
1. Select the desired folder in the image library.
2. Right click (RMB) and select Add Images.
3. An Open dialog will appear and the user can select the directory where the image resides. Use the Ctrl or Shift key to select multiple images.
4. Press Open.
Similar to when migrating images, there is a possibility when adding images, the selected image(s) may already exist in the Image Library in the selected folder or another folder within the image library. Typically, only 1 instance of the image is needed to be stored. If a duplicate image is found when adding an image, the following dialog will appear.
• Yes – Uses the existing image and does not add a new instance.
• Yes to All – Uses the existing image and does not add a new instance for all duplicate images that are found.
• No – creates a duplicate image.
• No to All – creates a duplicate image for all instances found when adding.
• Cancel – cancels the image addition.
If you selected Yes or Yes to All, a follow-up dialog will display to allow the user to keep the existing location for the duplicate image or move to the current selected storage area.
To Add an Image using the Drag and Drop Method:
1. Select the desired folder in the image library.
2. Open the Windows directory where the image resides and drag and drop into the AccuMark Image Library folder.
Moving Images in the Image Library
The image location may need to move as new folders are created and organization is adjusted. Note that the image path is automatically updated within the piece so that even if the image is moved, the referenced piece will retain the image placement and update with the new path directly from AccuMark Explorer.
To move image to different folders within the image library, the user can drag and drop or cut and paste.
Sharing Image Libraries
AccuMark zip files have been enhanced in AccuMark Feb 2020 to support images and colorways. So models can be shared with images included in the zip file. If only the image library needs to be shared, you can open Windows Explorer to select and zip and share. The image library is located within the userroot folder either on the local or network drive, C:\userroot\ImageLibrary.