Process Costing Marker
This function will create a costing marker from the model in the current work area. The size(s) requested must be one of the sizes available in the model’s size range.
1. From the File menu, select Process Costing Marker.
2. In the dialog box that displays, fill in the following information:
• Size – type in the name of the size desired in the marker. Use a comma to separate size names if multiple sizes are requested
• Quantity – type in the number of bundles to be included in the marker
• Width – type in the cutable width of the material
• Fabric – click the lookup or type in the codes of the fabric from the model. Multiple fabric types can be selected. If more than one fabric code is entered, a separate marker will be created for each fabric code. If no fabric code is typed in, all the pieces in the current model will be included in the marker.
• Easy Marking – if this box is checked, Easy Marking will automatically be launched
• AutoMark Edit – if this box is checked, AutoMark will be used to lay the pieces in the marker. If this box is left unchecked, the user will lay the pieces in the marker.
• Fabric Cost – enter a cost for fabric if available.
• Fabric Weight – enter a fabric weight for costing if applicable.
3. The Easy Marking window will be displayed. If AutoMark was chosen, the pieces will already be placed in the marking area. If AutoMark was not chosen, pieces can be placed by clicking on the piece at the top of the screen and then clicking and dragging it into the marking area. For more information about Marker Making, see the Grading and Marking training guide.
4. If the marker was manually nested or edited, go to the File menu and select Save. The Easy Making window can be closed to return to Pattern Design.
In the Order Editor that displays, fill in the following information:
• Marker Name – type in COSTORDER.
• Fabric Width – type in the cutable width of the material.
• Laylimits – use the lookup button on the right side of the box to choose a Lay limit table from the storage area. For more information about Laylimits, see the Grading and Marking training guide.
• Annotation – use the lookup button on the right side of the box to choose an Annotation table from the storage area. For more information about Annotation, see the Piece Plotting section of this book or the Grading and Marking training guide.
• Notch – use the lookup button on the right side of the box to choose a Notch table from the storage area.
When finished, go to the File menu and select Save. Close the Order Editor window.