Piece Display Area - Matrix Menu

The piece display area is located at the top of the marking screen where the pieces show as an icon menu or as thumbnail images. Using the menu, clicking on a number will bring down that piece in the size selected. Clicking on a thumbnail image will bring down that piece. The shape will be larger in the marker than it is in the menu area.

The icon menu displays symbols that represent each piece ordered for the marker.

Beneath each piece icon are two additional columns. The first shows the quantities of left pieces ordered for each size. The second one shows the quantities of the right pieces. These are defined in the Model Editor. The "Left" is the "As Input" while the "Right" is the flipped as defined in the Model.

Each time the user selects a piece from the icon menu, the quantity field reduces. If dashes display beneath an icon, it means that no pieces were ordered for that particular size or based on the Fabric Spread, Halfpiece, or Cutdown setting, no piece is required for placement.

Icons display as digitized. When the piece is dragged down into the work area or into the marker, it reflects the flip code orientation that was assigned to it in Lay Limits and used in the Order.