Marker Information Bar
The prompt bar is located (by default) below the marker screen, and displays messages about the current marker. The information displayed is related to the function being performed. Some fields are display-only and other fields are text editable and interact with a particular function.
Most of the remaining fields can be edited from within Easy Marking. Some fields are updated as different pieces are selected (such as PN). Editable fields are highlighted when the cursor is placed over them. To make changes, click the field. You can toggle through available choices or enter a new value, depending upon the field.
MD Displays the model name of the highlighted piece
PN Displays the piece name of the highlighted piece
LN (this field not editable) Displays the length of the current marker. Depending on the unit of measure selected in the User Environment, the length display can be toggled between inches and yards, or centimeters and meters.
SZ Displays the size of the highlighted piece.
WI Displays the width of the current marker. To change the width, click in the entry field, and enter the desired amount. Select OK to accept.
SA Displays the seam allowance specified for dynamic or split piecing, established in the User Environment Parameter Table.
OL Displays the amount of overlap allowed when placing pieces. If a piece overlaps another, the amount of overlap step will display in the field next to OL when a piece is highlighted. Negative numbers apply space between pieces and are commonly used.
TI Tilt amount increments are set in this field. When the Tilt Clockwise or Tilt Counterclockwise function is used, each right click on a piece tilts it the amount defined in this field.
PA The area of the currently highlighted piece.
TT The actual amount a particular piece is tilted.
FB This field is not manually editable. The Function box is a peripheral used with a pen or a data tablet that allows you to use the piece placement functions. This field tells you which function on the function box is active.
TB Displays the Toolbox, with the last accessed toolbox function active. The default setting is AUTOSLIDE.
CU/TU/CW/TW This field not editable and represents marker utilization. Toggle the field to display either CU or TU. CU represents the current marker utilization. This is the area of placed pieces compared to the total area of the marker. TU displays the total marker utilization. This is the area of ordered pieces compared to the total area of the marker. CW reports the current waste and TW reports the total waste.
CT Displays the number of pieces unplaced and placed in the current marker. The total number of unplaced and placed equals the total number of pieces ordered. If you add pieces or bundles, the numbers increase to reflect these changes.
PR Distance from the beginning edge of the marker to the far right edge of the currently selected piece.
BD/DZ Toggles between yield per bundle and yield per dozen.
FC Fabric Cost. Enter or edit the value, click in the entry field, and enter the desired amount. Select OK to accept.
FW Fabric Weight. Enter or edit the value, click in the entry field, and enter the desired amount. Select OK to accept.
CB/CD/CM Toggles between the calculated Cost per Bundle/Cost per dozen and Cost per Marker based on the Fabric Cost entered in the FC field.
MW Displays the calculated marker weight based on the Fabric Weight value that is entered in the FW field.