Import Zip

Use the Import Zip function to un-compress a zip file(.zip) from a saved location that contains AccuMark data items. Zipped files may contain non AccuMark files as well; the location to place these files can be defined in the Import Zip dialog box.

If the data originated in a version 9 AccuMark Storage Area, a warning message will appear if the selected import location is a version 8 area.

  1. Select File/ Import Zip from the File menu.

  2. The "Import From" dialog box appears. Choose the directory from which the data is to be imported. Select the data to be imported

  3. The import screen opens. Items to be imported will be listed by name, type, size, and date last modified. To import all of the items listed, Select OK. To import specific items, select the items you want to import, and choose OK.
    The system un-compresses the selected data items, and places them in the current storage area. If duplicate data items are detected, the system prompts "Data item already exists, do you wish to overwrite?" Choose
    YES or YES to All.

  4. When the system is finished importing, an AccuMark Explorer dialog box appears, which reads "Process Complete". Select OK.

    NOTE: Version 8 data may be imported into a version 8 or 9 Storage Areas. Version 9 data can only be imported into a version 9 Storage Area. Beginning with AccuMark version 9.0, version 7 AccuMark Storage Area data is read only, so data cannot be imported into these areas.