Digitizing Processing Options
Piece descriptive information that previously had to be entered using the digitizing cursor and menu can be quickly entered in a new dialog box, Digitize Processing Options. To further simplify the digitizing process, when entering the piece descriptive information, the pieces can also be automatically added to a model. If the model does not exist, it will be created automatically.
Storage Area
Select the target Device and Storage Area name. SQL device/storage areas can also be selected.
Piece Name Prefix and Starting Piece Number
The Digitize Processing Options dialog will keep track of your digitized piece names by using the Prefix name defined by the user followed by the Starting Piece Number.Using this method, you can enter a name, then starting piece number, and each piece digitized will be automatically assigned this prefix and the sequential number.
For example, you can enter “LADIES” as the prefix, the starting piece number “1” The first piece digitized will automatically be named “LADIES1” the next piece will be “LADIES2” and so on.
When you begin digitizing the piece geometry, all the descriptive information has been added by the interface, so begin by digitizing the grain line of the piece and piece perimeter then internals as in the past.
To change to a new prefix and/or starting piece number, simply edit the fields.
You may enter a category for each piece or allow the piece name to be assigned as the category automatically.
Same Category as Piece Name
Selecting this checkbox will automatically assign the piece name as the category to streamline the piece information entry. Remember that this information can also be edited easily later in the Model.
Add to Model name (optional)
If a model is selected, the digitized pieces will be added automatically to the selected Model. If the model doesn’t exist, it will be created.
Grade Rule Type
Select Rule Table or Copy Piece from the Drop Down Menu as a Grade source of information.
Rule Table/Copy Piece
Use the lookup to select a Rule Table for the piece, if the grading method Rule Table is selected. Use the lookup to select a Piece if the grading method is Copy Piece.
Size Digitized
If a size other than the base size from the Rule Table is being digitized, then enter that size name here. If this is left blank while using Rule Table as the grading method, the system will assume the size being digitized is the base size from the specified Rule Table.