Export Zip

Create a zipped file that includes selected data items. When the data is being zipped, a dialog box displays that allows the components of the item to be included, for example if a model with its component pieces. When exporting data to a zip file, a dialog box will appear that allows non-AccuMark data items to be included in the zip file. This is a convenient way to group files related to the data, for example assembly instructions in a Word document to accompany a model being sent to another location.

  1. Select AccuMark data items to export, then select File/ Export Zip from the File menu.

  2. The "Export To" dialog box appears. Choose the directory to which the data is to be Exported.

  3. The export screen opens. Items select to be exported will be listed by name, type, size, and date last modified. Select any options such as the components to be included, then choose OK to allow compression of the selected data items and placement in the specified location.

  4. An AccuMark Explorer dialog box appears, which reads "Process Complete" to indicate the data export is finished. Select OK.

    NOTE: Version 8 data may be imported into a version 8 or 9 Storage Areas. Version 9 data can only be imported into a version 9 Storage Area. Beginning with AccuMark version 9.0, version 7 AccuMark Storage Area data is read only, so data cannot be imported into these areas.