Edit Digitized Editor
Use this editor to display and edit the digitized data for a piece. This feature displays in sequential order, the button pushes that were made on the digitizing cursor when a piece was digitized.
If a mistake is made during digitizing, it can be corrected here. Use Edit Digitize if an attempt to retrieve digitized data was made and an error message was displayed.
Note: If the Edit Digitize screen appears blank, the piece will need to be digitized again.
If button pushes for the piece display on the Edit Digitize screen, corrections to the piece may be made. Review each line in the problem area, as indicated by the Error Line Number field, located in the Status Field. Move through lines indicated to correct errors.
Edit Digitize Screen Field Explanations
Status – This field displays a brief explanation of the error.
Line # - Indicates the sequence number of button pushes made with the digitizing cursor when the piece was digitized.
Button Press – Lists each button press that was made on the digitizing cursor when the piece was digitized.
Button Type – Indicates the type of information that was entered when the piece was digitized. Push button followed by a character indicates which cursor button was pressed. Menu followed by one or more characters indicates the items that were selected from the digitizing menu.
X Coord – Displays the X (horizontal) coordinate of the corresponding button push.
Y Coord – Displays the Y (bertical) coordinate of the corresponding button push.