Default Parameter Tables
Reset System Defaults — the system will use the standard default parameter tables that come with AccuMark when you create new storage areas. For example, this means a newly created Storage Area will have a User Environment Parameter Table set to metric with a decimal precision set to two. Newly created Storage Areas will also have the default "A" Annotation Editor, "L" Laylimits, and Costorder which is used by PDS when . performing "Process Costing Marker."
Set New Defaults — the system will automatically copy the all of the parameter tables from the specified storage area when you create new storage areas. In addition, it will copy all the basic data including Alteration, Annotation, Block Buffer, Laylimits, Rule Tables, and Size Codes from this Storage Area to the newly made one.
TIP: If you plan to use "Set New Defaults," create a master Storage Area with all basic data items and parameter tables each newly created Storage Area will need.
A warning will display if the New Defaults area is a version 9 Storage Area while creating a version 8 Storage Area.