CSV File Format Details

The data file you'll be making for the CSV Import Tools is a text file. It is organized in lines and groups of lines. The lines are Comments, Data Types, and Field Values. Data is entered as groups of lines. One or more groups for each data item. For example, an order will consist of its name, general order information, a model, and the list of sizes for that model. It can possibly be followed by other models and the list of sizes for each. After the detailed descriptions that follow, there are some examples.

A word of caution: The data in each field must be valid. Valid characters, valid ranges, and mandatory order fields are required. If you do not do this, unpredictable results may occur.

Comments: Anything that follows a '#' is a comment. For example,

# This is a comment line.

Comments may appear as part of other data lines, for example,

=:order #comment - this start of order section.

Data Types: Lines which begin with a '=:' signal the start of a new data type.

The data type keywords are:





These lines are followed by the fields that make up these data items.

Field Values: Each value in the data item is entered using a Field Type, a Colon, and then the Field Value. For example one value needed by an order data item is,


the 'm' is a model name field. The model name is fall90slacks1.

A number of fields use numeric values. Many of these values are a count of items. For example, quantity is a count of sizes in an order. However, other values are notation dependent. The marker width can be specified either in inches or in centimeters. In this case, the data is interpreted based on the user environment table P-USER-ENVIRON. For example,


Will be interpreted as inches, if P-USER-ENVIRON is set to IMPERIAL. However, it will be interpreted as centimeters, if P-USER-ENVIRON is set to METRIC.

Finally, note that codes in column 1 are CASE SENSITIVE.

The letter 'm' is not equal to 'M'.

Order Data:

Begin entering order data using the section command,

column 1-end Codes, Start Order section

------------ ---------------------------

=:order Start of order data

Next, Give the order its name:

column 1-2 Codes, Order name:

------------ ---------------------------

'o:' Name of the Order-file


Follow the order name with general order information. This data corresponds to the data on the first page of the order editor in the AccuMark. It may be entered in any sequence.

column 1-2 Codes, used once per Order:

------------ ---------------------------

'5:' Marker-Name (if the marker name is omitted, the order name is used.)

'd:' Description

'4:' Order-Number

'a:' Annotation Table (Required field. If omitted the name 'A' is used.)

'l:' LayLimit Table (Required field. If omitted the name 'L' is used.)

'b:' Block/Buffering Table

'p:' Matching Rule Table

'w:' Width of Fabric (Required field. If omitted an error occurs.)

'u:' Target Utilization

'c:' Target Length

'r:' Five Star matching toggle.

Valid values are:

N Normal matching.

5 Five Star matching.

If not specified, it defaults to Normal matching.

'x:' Stripe Repeat

'f:' Stripe Offset. There may be three Stripe offsets in an order.

'y:' Plaid Repeat

'h:' Plaid Offset. There may be three Plaid offsets in an order.

'xs:' Shrink / Stretch value in x-direction

'ys:' Shrink / Stretch value in y-direction

'g:' Notch Parameter Table (Required field. If omitted the name 'P-NOTCH' is used.)

'i:' Block Fuse name

'j:' Layrule Type. This field describes the 'k:' field. Valid values are:

N if 'k:' is a layrule name to use.

S if 'k:' is a layrule search parameter table.

C if 'k:' is a marker to copy when the requested marker is retrieved.

If not specified, it defaults to N.

'k:' Layrule name, Search-table, or Copy Marker name.

See 'j:'


Next the model information is entered. This data corresponds to the header lines on the order editor's model page. The model name must be first. The other data may appear in any order.

column 1-2 Codes, used for each Model

------------ ---------------------------

'm:' Model name. Note, the model name must be first.

't:' Alteration Library

'n:' Dynamic Alteration Library

'z:' Size-Code Table

'0:' Fabric Type

'e:' Add Piece/Bundle. A one character field, it is

Y to allow added pieces/bundles,

N to prevent added pieces/bundles.

'2:' Use Cutdown or Halfpiecing. This is a one character field. It's values are:

C for cutdown, and

H for halfpiecing.

'1:' Model-Option(s). This field may be used several times, if there are more than one option is used.

Following the model information is the size information. This data corresponds to a single line in the spreadsheet, on the order editor's model page. Either the Quantity or Size must be first, followed by the other size information.

Several sizes are entered by listing the quantity and size for each.

column 1-2 Codes, used for each size.

------------ ---------------------------

'q:' Quantity

's:' Size

'3:' Cutdown or Half-Piece Master

'6:' Base size

'7:' direction. Valid values are:

N for None,

L for Left, and

R for Right.

If no direction is specified, it defaults to None.

Note, the 'q:' and 'q:' must appear before their associated '3:','6:', or '7:' code.

Additional models can be entered after the size information. Each model followed immediately by its size information.

Next the construct information is entered. This data corresponds to the data on the order editor's Constructs page. The Constrcut name must be first. The other data may appear in any order.

column 1-3 Codes, used for each Construct

------------ -----------------------------

'9n:' Construct name. Note, the Constrcut name must be first.

'9c:’ Cut the Construct : 1=cut, 0 = no cut

'9p:’ Plot the Construct : 1=plot, 0 = no plot

’91:’ Lower-left corner x-value

’92:’ Lower-left corner y-value

’93:’ Upper-left corner x-value

’94:’ Upper-left corner y-value

’95:’ Upper-right corner x-value

’96:’ Upper-right corner y-value

’97:’ Lower-right corner x-value

’98:’ Lower-right corner y-value

’9x:’ repeat x-value

’9y:’ repeat y-value


If a value is not required, then please do not define it.


The order is complete, once the import program encounters

A new order, using 'o:'

A new section, using '=:'


end of file.

Multiple orders can be entered in the same '=:order' section. When orders are entered in the same section, the program remembers all the information from the previous order header. Only the data that is different needs to be entered.

If, for example, you have a group of orders that use the same laylimits, matching, block buffer, and width. You can enter them together in the same section. Only the first order needs to have the laylimits, matching, block buffer, and width entered. All the ones that follow will use these same values.

If the orders are not similar, you may want to separate them with '=:order' section commands to prevent data entry errors.


Model Data:

Begin entering model data using the section command,

column 1-end Codes, Start Model section

------------ ---------------------------

=:model Start of model data

Next, Give the model its name:

column 1-2 Codes, Model name:

------------ ---------------------------

'm:' Model Name.

Follow the model name with general model information. This data corresponds to the data on the top of the screen in the model editor in the AccuMark. It may be entered in any sequence.

column 1-2 Codes, used for model header:

------------ ---------------------------

'c:' Comment. There may be two comment lines. Comments are at most 20 characters.

'z:' Default Model Option(s). This field may be used several times, if there are more than one option is used.


Following the header information, is the piece information. This data corresponds to a single line in the spreadsheet in model editor. The piece name must be first, followed by the other piece information.

Several pieces are entered by listing the name and information for each.

column 1-2 Codes, used for piece information:

------------ ---------------------------

'p:' Piece Name

't:' Piece Type. The one character field is:

N for Normal. (default).

P for Paste Piece

If no piece type is specified, the piece type will default to N.

'i:' number of pieces as input

'x:' number of pieces mirrored on X

'y:' number of pieces mirrored on Y

'r:' number of pieces mirrored on X and Y

'h:' half piecing. A one character field with the values:

N for none,

S for same direction, and

A any direction.

If no half piecing is specified, half piecing will default to N.

'd:' number of dynamic splits allowed

'a:' allow adding piece, valid values are

Y for yes, and

N for no.

If not specified, it defaults to Yes.

'f:' fabric type.


Following the base model, are the model options. Model options are a list of changes required to make a new model which is similar to the base model.

Model options are used to add or remove pieces from the model.

A piece can be effectively swapped for another piece, by removing it and adding the new piece.

The model option starts with the option name, and is followed by a series of piece names and piece information. This is the same format entered as the base model, except there are extra fields to add and remove pieces.

NOTE: To apply an option regardless of ordered size (i.e.unconditionally) do not specify an option size. Do this when you always want a piece to be added or removed.

column 1-2 Codes, Begin a model option:

------------ ---------------------------

'o:' model option name. It is the first field in an option.

column 1-2 Codes, used with piece information to add/remove pieces:

------------ ---------------------------

'q:' Condition. This piece will be added/removed only if the size condition is met. Valid values are:

=, when ordered size is equal to option size.

<, when ordered size is less than option size.

>, when ordered size is Greated than option size.

If not specified, it defaults to =. NOTE: You do not need to use this field if option size field is not used.

's:' Option Size. Used in conjunction with the Condition. NOTE: if no option size is specified, the option is applied unconditionally (regardless of ordered size).

'w:' Operation. Valid values are:

- to remove a piece from the base model, and

+ to add a piece to the base model.

If not specified it defaults to +.



Size Code Data:

The size code table is used to enter specific alteration information. This information is used to create sizes which are similar to existing sizes, but with an alteration applied. For example, the size code table could be used to define a 40L (A long) for a model that has a size 40.


Begin entering size code data using the section command,

column 1-end Codes, Size Code section

------------ ---------------------------

=:sizecode Start of size code data

Next, Give the size code table its name (this name is used in the order):

column 1-2 Codes, Size Code name:

------------ ---------------------------

's:' Size Code name

Next, enter the size mapping. This is the size which will be requested in the order, and the size that exists in the model.

column 1-2 Codes, Size Mapping:

------------ ---------------------------

'a:' Actual Size. (6 character maximum).

'o:' Ordered Size. (6 character maximum).

Finally, enter all of the alterations used to change to actual size into the order size. These alterations are entered in pairs: the alteration rule name and the alteration values. Multiple pairs may be entered for a single size mapping.

Note that the rule name refers to an entry in an alteration table.

column 1-2 Codes, rule amounts:

------------ ---------------------------

'r:' Alteration Rule Name. (Must precede alteration value).

'v:' Alteration Value. (Must follow rule name).

Once all the rules are entered for a single size mapping, a new size mapping may be entered.

To define x shrink/stretch value, use xs=value,

for y shrink/stretch, use ys=value in the appropriate section (ie, model/or order).

If you want to use the model ones instead of the order values,

set the code 8=1 in the order section.


Example 1, A minimal order: This order can be found in the file min_ord.txt. This order is named minimal order. It uses two models, coat931111, and coat932222.


#This is a sample file. It is a simple order with minimal data entered.

#Everything after a '#' is a comment



# Header information


=:order #Start order data

o:minimalorder #Order name

d:example order1 #Description

4:930714-5 #Order number

a:anno-marker #Annotation table for markers

l:laylim #Laylimits table

w:60.0 #Width.

u:91.0 #Target Utilization. In percent.

g:p-notch #Notch table.


# First model now.


m:coat931111 #Model name


# Sizes for coat931111 now.


q:1 # one small



s:med # two mediums


# Second model now.


m:coat932222 #Model name


# Sizes for coat932222 now.


q:3 # three larges



s:xl # three extra larges


Example 2, Multiple orders: This order can be found in the file mult_ord.txt. It contains 3 orders: tstord1, tstord2, tstord3.


# this file is an example for multiple orders

=:order #Start order data

o:tstord1 #Order name

d:test data #Descrition

4:921120a #Order number

a:annot_plot #Annotation

l:faceup #Laylimits

b:cutter #Block Buffer table

p:plaidx #Matching library

w:60.0 #Width

x:10. #Stripe Repeat

y:7.5 #Plaid Repeat

g:p-notch #Notch table

m:jacketmodel #First model

q:1 # jacketmodel uses 1 size 40


q:2 # jacketmodel uses 2 size 42


m:pantmodel #second model

q:3 # pantmodel uses 3 size m


q:4 # pantmodel uses 4 size r


q:5 # pantmodel uses 5 size xxl


q:1 # pantmodel uses 1 size xl



# next order, used same header data



q:1 # 1 size 40, direction = left



q:2 # 1 size 44, direction = right




# next order, used same header data





e:y #Add piece/bundle is allowed.

q:2 #2 size 40


q:2 #2 size 44.



Example 3, Made To Measure: This example can be found in the file mtm_data.txt. It contains an order, a model, and a sizecode table.

Although this example contains an all three data types. It is not necessary. It is also possible to enter just models, or just sizecode tables.

# this is an example file for MTM data import. It contains the

# order, the model and the sizecode table.


# first the definition of the order

=:order #Section for the order


d:customer abc




m:testmtm #This customer specific model is entered below.

t:alter_mtm #alterations are standard. name of preentered library.

z:testmtm #This customer specific sizecode is entered below.

q:1 #Ordered 1 size 44, made to measure.(see sizecode).



# definition of the model

=:model #Section for the model


c:customer is abc #Comment.

p:jacket-front #Need a front and its mirror.





















# definition of the sizecode

=:sizecode #Section for the SizeCode.

s:testmtm #SizeCode name is TESTMTM

a:44 #Actual size in pieces is 44.

o:44mtm #Size entered in order

r:sleeve #1st aleration for 44/44mtm


r:length #2nd alteration for 44/44mtm


r:neck #3rd alteration for 44/44mtm



Example 4, 2 orders with constructs

# test order








# model





























# next







# model

















